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Saturday 22 January 2011

Adrian Mole

Hii, sorry i havent been posting lately! I have been posting because i have been reading my new book called 'The Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole Aged 13 and 3/4'. Here is my review:

'The Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole Aged 13 and 3/4' is hilarious! I was laughing throughout! I was amazed at how good it was, it was funny, a bit rude and very true! I loved the whole thing and i was hooked instantly! I advise that you should read it!

Anyway that was my view. I have had to do soo much homework- it was soo boring! I also had to survive parents evening (it was a bit arkward!).

Anyway I will try to post more!

Saturday 8 January 2011

soo boredd

Hii, i haven't posted in a while because i haven't done much this week... Unfortunately we are back at school and when we are at school the whole world seems to go grey... The cold weather is back! The snow came like a dark cloud over us- Me and my friend had to walk about 1 mile in the snow and ice (this was not pleasant!).

Today we dragged ourselves around town- the spending was good, but it was cold, exhausting and busy with the January sales! In the end we couldn't be botherdd to get a bus so we hopped in the taxi to the rise, were mum got on her trike and we headed back!

My dad picked us up when we got home and we went to a nearby carvery. I have a yorkshire pud, stuffing, a few slices of glazed gammon, peas, and 2 roast potatoes!  I was stuffed! For dessert i had the best ice cream- a creamy vanilla with chocolate sauce!

I'm looking forward for tomorrow- i have trampoling lessons and i'm at my dads!

I will try and post more!

Monday 3 January 2011

My Brothers Blog

Hii, my brother has started his own blog called My Life ( Just wanted to let you know that's its not my blog and it is his! I don't really know what to write because i haven't done much from saturday and now...

Soo i just wanted to say hi, and i'll write l8r

Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New Year

Hii, i'm guessing you all have hangovers from last night and i just wanted to say Happy New Year! I have spent new years tucked up on the sofa watching Doctor Who day on watch and eating last nights leftovers for lunch!

I have started writing my own diary- i feel much better after getting a few things off my chest... 2011 has NOT got off to be the best year but i'm sure it will get better because today i argued constantly with my family... But thats another story. This year things will be better for me because i will try my best in all my classes and hopefully make my personal higene better... This my sound a bit naff but its the truth...

I have been tweeting all day and even now i have another window signing me into twitter... I do have to admit i have become a bit of an addict but i love the gossip. It makes me feel more powerfull to have people following me on twiter- i only have 22 :(

But like Keith Lemon would say this has been a bang tidy year full of laughter, tears, and romance that failed! I'd like to say im happy 2010 is over but there are things in 2010 that i will never forget- like leaving my old school, and joining a new one things like this are special to me... 2010 was like a rollercoster, there was the ups and the downs, but overall it was a good year (at this part im trying not to tear up!). One of the downs was my little pet gerbil Rosie died- i cried for days! Another is the countless argues and fights ive had with my ex BFF. But lets not think about stuff like that... And think about the upside like having limos at the end of school and starting a new one!

I hope you all have had a great 2010 and all the best of luck in 2011!/Dazzy11

Friday 31 December 2010

My First Blog Post

Hii, this is my first blog and you can follow me on twitter. I dont really know what to right... But i love Perez Hilton and gossip! My house has flooded and i just got my internet back up! My mum has a blog called 'I aint no tomato' and i'll put the link at the bottom of the post so you can have a look at it- she writes about disabled cycling and what she does everyday as she is a single disabled mum.

soo i hope you like my first post!

My twitter page:!/Dazzy11
My mums blog: